Friday, May 27, 2011


I love food! I want to shout my confession of love off every rooftop in the world! Okay no, not really, but food is a very big passion of mine. I love to cook it, I love to eat it and I’ve recently discovered that I love to take photos of it.

I believe that deep down we are all photographers.
Everyone can push down a button and capture that moment in time and make it last forever. To me, what makes a photographer really accomplished is the ability to see beauty in things that other people might not see. I see beauty in food. I see beautiful colors and textures and arrangements. And I don’t discriminate. All foods are created equal. By that I mean I’ll take pictures of every kind of food I eat and I most certainly won’t be the only person who creates the food. Some of it will be by my parents or my friends, or even restaurants I eat at. 

 I don’t know if anyone out there will have the same kind of enthusiasm I feel towards food, even so, here are my beautiful Every Day Foods: Made by You and Me.

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